© Streams of Life Ministries. All rights reserved.

Worldwide Missions

We Reach The Unreached!

Unreached people are still unreached because the reached keep reaching themselves again and again is something we say around here all the time, but we truly get to put that value on display as we go out to evangelize in schools , house to house, universities , local communities & all over the world.

Global Missions

Go to all the world

And how shall they preach unless they are sent? … (Romans 10:15 )

We are dedicated to bringing hope, love , Grace and healing to people everywhere. With your help, we can reach people of every age, location, and language for Christ.



Mission Zanzibar

Saturday, November 27, 2021
10,000 Souls 

In Zanzibar, SOLC Missions has built relationships with the chiefs, pastors , churches and the people of Mafia island Village for over 2 years.

Mission Zambia

Saturday, November 27, 2021
10,000 Souls 

A safe place for youth to be real, ask questions, and not worry about being judged. We show that the Christian life is fun, exciting, and vital to finding your way through the maze of life.

Harparzo (Local Missions)

Snatch them from Hell. Get them Young.

Harparzo is a Greek word for “Snatch” derived from Jude 1:28

 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.

A soul is a soul! No matter where, who & how old it is we shall Snatch It.

Soul winning is our lifestyle. We evangelize in local football pitches commonly known as “Busaawe” , door to door , Street preaching, kindergartens , high schools , bars in our local communities & everywhere where there’s a soul.

We want to reach schools & universities, communities both nationally and internationally, with the hope , love, Grace and healing message of Jesus.

Erinah Logose

Missions Director

For 20+ years, SOLC missions has traveled the world to evangelize, disciple & train ministers in soul winning with the goal of Preaching Christ & building His Church.

We focus our efforts and resources on 3 key areas; Preach to them, Pray for them & Disciple them

  • missions@streamsoflife.net

  • +256 782 095 219

© Streams of Life Ministries. All rights reserved. Website by Maeghan Ahumuza.

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