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Missional Families

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations …. Matthew 28:19

At SOLC we believe that EVERYBODY NEEDS A FAMILY. Families are units where we can pursue authentic community, spiritual growth, and A lifelong relationship with Jesus where we learn from him and purpose to be fully like Him.

When you join a family, you will spend time socializing, learning, praying, and winning souls together. So, join a Family today & Be like Jesus!

Meeting Time & Location

Our Missional Families meet every Wednesday at 6 PM for fellowship and discipleship, starting with an online teaching by Bishop Gerald Mwebe, followed by discussions led by shepherds and Pastors. We are continually growing and welcoming new members—join us this Wednesday!

What’s the Purpose of the Family.

To turn converts into disciples.

 …take up the cross, and follow me. ( Mark 10:21 )

The Greek word for “disciple”: mathetes when directly translated, means learner. 

God is not just calling us to be church members but He is calling us to a lifelong relationship with him, where we learn from him and purpose to be fully like Him, therefore, making a deliberate decision to become a fully-fledged disciple of Jesus Christ.

Who leads a family?

A Shepherd. A Shepherd tends and looks after the sheep.

As a Church, we train & appoint mature Christians and teachers of the Word from whom we can learn to imitate the life of Jesus.

Who Hosts A family?

Man of Peace. A  Man of Peace is someone who has opened their heart to the message of the cross and is willing to open their home for shepherds/teachers to disciple converts.

How often do we meet?

Family time happens weekly, but some Groups meet biweekly on different days and times during the course of the week.

Lamech & Aminah Mpoza

Missional Family Directors

Pastor Bonney & Teddy Kazibwe have been involved in Missional Families since they were in college. They believe that real life-change happens within an authentic, safe community where people can take off their masks and deal with what’s really going on in their lives. They are committed to help create environments in which the Gospel that saves us also helps us get through the mess of today!