© Streams of Life Ministries. All rights reserved.

How It All Started in
an affiliated classroom


When it Started

Streams of Life Church was launched on 8th September, 1997 in affiliated classroom in Mengo, Kakeka with Pastor Gerald & Diana Mwebe as the founding pastors who by then were in their early twenties. Majority of the congregation were kids at the time.

How it Started

Pastor Gerald & Diana Mwebe together with a group of friends reached out & evangelized in Mengo Kakeza- a kampala suburb, won a number of souls and later God led them to start a church in the same area.


How the Church evolved

In 2000 we acquired land ( were the church is right now ) after a successful an open air meeting God gave us the land.

Shortly after the church bought its land we connected with a Canadian ministry and what seemed to be a small church became the organizers of massive crusades that covered sub Saharan Africa for about 9 years

In 2009 , a burden of church planting was birthed and in the same year the first church was planted in Congo.


The Gospel of Grace

In 2012, as a ministry God opened our eyes to the gospel of grace and unconditional love that turned the lives of men around & altered the church’s focus to ground and establish saints in the love of God

From 2012 – 2019 we were given to discipleship , teaching, training and raising of leaders.


Church Planting & Soul Winning

In 2019 the church planting & soul winning vision were rekindled that later birthed Nations Church Makerere – our first Campus Church. The was planted & launched on the 13th October the same year

© Streams of Life Ministries. All rights reserved. Website by Maeghan Ahumuza.

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